Sunday, November 29, 2009

Check me into the looney bin please

Been a while - sorry.
Y'know.. holidays and what not. Just wrapping up Thanksgiving stuff, which means I guess I should get mentally prepared for Christmas.

Here's something that deep down I know is true, but sometimes I have a hard time coming to grips with; more times than not, you can't change people. They are the way they are. They're that way because it works for them, or they've just been that way for so long that it's all they know.

I am reminded of this as I spend holiday time in close quarters with in-laws.

Here is the truth; I like my in-laws and enjoy spending time with them. They are interesting people and I certainly can have fun with them. However, there is a certain measure of bad juju that can creep in after some of them stay at my house for more than a couple of days. It comes from the guests in question forgetting that the house they are staying in isn't their house, and that those young kids in the house - while being their grandkids - still are not their kids, and that maybe they don't know the absolute right way to do absolutely everything.

And then there's the issue from the other side. I have a hard time understanding that if the guest takes milk out of the fridge and leaves it on the counter with the top off in their own home, then they likely don't see a problem with doing it in someone else's home. If I could be at peace with that "you can't change people" thing, then maybe I wouldn't work myself into a state of being resentful and pissed off (and that's on a good day).

I think I need to remember to take a deep breath every now and then.

If the above sounded like venting - it's because it was. Thanks for letting me do that.


Friday, June 19, 2009

What are words for (when no one listens anymore.. words for)

So I'm up late at night, trying to sleep, and my mind, which usually operates like it's not fully spooled up, starts off on a journey thinking about random things like... words that are obsolete, or should be, or don't mean what they used to.


People still say (usually in commercials) dial 888-xxx-blah.
Do you know anyone that has a telephone with a dial? Neither do I.

Or, when is the last time that you went to "ring up" your groceries and the cash register made a ringing sound? You hear a lot of boops, not too many rings.

Then there are brand names that are used in a generic sense.

Most people say they need a "Kleenex" when a Puffs or Stop & Shop brand facial tissue will do just fine.

If you're using a Canon copier, can you still make a Xerox of something?

Asking for a Coke may not neccessarily get you a Coca-Cola brand

And some of those have changed over time. The term "doosie" - as in something really great or cool - came from Dusenberg, which was a very high end car many many years ago. And saying something like "that (product) is the Cadillac of (type of product)", has been replaced with "that's the Lexus of (product type)."

Just a few things to think about that wil not help you or me out in any way, but I wanted to pass them along anyway.

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tony Robbins' Positive Power

No, I've never taken the "Positive Power" course, but I probably could benefit from it.
Although, I like to think (and perhaps I'm delusional) that I'm a fairly positive guy, and that I start from an "everything's okay" outlook, before I let life take over and try to prove me wrong.
That said, venting is a good exercise as long as you don't dwell on the negatives for too long. And we're friends, right? So I can vent with you.

I love riding my bike (as in bicycle), and I think it's great that others get enjoyment from riding. It's great exercise... doesn't use any gas... let's you commune with nature.

But why is there a small segent of serious bicyclists who insist that they have the exact same rights as cars on the road - until it becomes inconvenient like when they get to a red light.
At that point it seems like the outlook changes to "hey.. I'm on a bicycle, I don't have to stop".

Dudes.. it's great that you're into it... but guess what? If you insist on riding on the roads that were built for cars, you need to be respectful of the rules that drivers have to follow. You'll be safer, and drivers will be more respectful of your right to ride.

And one more thing. If you're not riding in the Tour De France, do you really need to wear those silly outfits with the sponsors all over them?

I witnessed two bicyclists the other day riding together on the road (fine), riding two abreast (okay if there's enough room and you're mindful of the traffic) chatting to each other loudly as they rode (not too harmful) oblivious to the line of cars behind them trying not to hit them (really not fine) and wearing the exact same, dorky, sponsor laden outfits (very very creepy), looking like Milli Vanilli on two wheels.

I'm done.
Subject of my next post? Something positive, like puppies.

Be well

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Joseph Andrew Knight Jr.

It was nineteen years ago today that I got back from the hospital, plopped myself down on the couch in an empty house, and said to myself "alright...what do I do now"? A guy who was father, big brother, and best friend to me was gone.

I'm lucky that I had my dad around as long as I did. He taught me many things, including the biggie: that life should be fun. He didn't mean that life was always going to me a piece of cake, or a bowl of cherries, or some other food metaphor. He meant that whatever life has handed you, find the good. Find the fun. Laugh a little. Laugh a lot. Bring your guitar to the beach. There may be some who look at you like you're a little nuts for bringing a guitar to the beach, but they may also end up being the same people who join you later to sing a song or two.

As far as the "what do I do now" question, I choose to believe that my Dad would be happy with what I've done since he left. I feel I've chosen a path that makes me happy. And although there have been speed bumps (and potholes and sink holes) along the way, I took his advice and did what my heart told me to do. He would be proud that I became a radio guy and that I found a way to keep music in my life even when I'm working.

I miss you Dad, and I think about you every day.
Jake (family nickname... long story)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Twittle Dee

So I've furthered my with-it-ness and am now wired in to Twitter. You can now instantly find out how much grated cheese I'm putting on my spaghetti.
If you want in, I think you just search "George Knight" or my screen name, which is "georgeknight".


Friday, April 17, 2009

On a lighter note...

So I'm walking out of my neighborhood grocery store a couple of days ago, and as a car goes by the driver gives two quick, seemingly polite toots of his horn at another car, which he follows by saying out his window in a clear voice "why don't you shove it up your ass, buddy!" That on its own isn't that unusual, but the tone of the guy's voice made it kind of funny. It really wasn't your typical angry, road rage yell. He actually said it in kind of a sing-songy cadence, like he was saying "have a nice day, now", only he decided to substitute the words. Got me thinking - what if everytime someone had a profanity or just something unleasant to say, they said it with a smile and a song in their voice? Wouldn't make the content of the comments any nicer, but it might keep the stress down a bit.

It's also worth noting that many times when someone gives commentary to another motorist on their driving skills, they end it with a "buddy" or a "pal". Is the thinking that by using a pet name at the end, it will take the sting out of suggesting that someone consider procreating with themselves?

Topic for a future post: how it becomes clear when I visit other parts of the country what a complete Boston driver I am.

Be well.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Decent Wednesday, Sufficient Thursday, Good Friday

Alright, so with it being Easter weekend and all I got to thinking a bit about holidays and trying to make sense of the role they play. Easter for example. It's a celebration of chocolate, and bunnys that somehow have aquired the ability to lay eggs that are more brilliantly colored than any bird could produce. Mmmmm... chocolate! But of course my mind does that crazy thing it does where it gets off and running all over the place, and before long I'm thinking about religion and how it affects people's lives. My story? I was brought up Episcopalian, which I'm told is basically Catholic Lite. Long services, a fair amount of pomp & circumstance, but no confession or incense. It also is a religion, I found out from personal experience, that has a very low tolerance for children who sneak whoopee cushions into Sunday School and then deploy them during a lesson on the commandments. Thou shalt not gas? These days, when I do make it to church, I go to the Unitarian Church in my town or the next town over. I guess what I'm looking for is a sense of community and the freedom to get in touch with my spiritual side without having to stick to a strict script. Here's the thing; I feel I'm a spiritual person. I'm just not convinced that all the things they taught me during Sunday school went down exactly as written. Then I get to thinking of all the different religions in the world, and think that it's no wonder there are problems. When each religion has their own set of beliefs they are convinced are true, it's understandable some might not accept the beliefs of others. But how about this; each religion is absolutely right and true for those who believe it, and there's room in the world for there to be different ways to guide us spiritually. The problems arise when there is no tolerance for other beliefs. That leaves the door open for people to take advantage of those who have put their all into the belief and will do anything for it. Whenever I think about this, I get reminded of the very first Dave Letterman show after 9/11. he came out to do his monologue and basically said something to the effect of how ridiculous it was that people would do such a terrible thing and claim it was in the name of their religion. No religion says it's okay to kill others, but sadly there are those on the planet who have the ability to manipulate believers into justifying the act of flying an airplane into a building or shooting up a clinic. Apart from that, I think that when it comes to beliefs, whatever gets you through the night is alright. If it helps you, and doesn't hurt others, you are on the right track. As for me, I look up at the sky sometimes and talk to my Dad. I have no proof that he hears me, and I have no proof that he doesn't. The important thing is that it keeps him in my heart, and I plan to keep giving the old man updates.
If Easter happens to be a holiday you celebrate, I hope it's a fun one. Save a couple Peeps for me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Leeching... it works!

So I've been talking with my primary care doctor about the allergies that I keep getting, and the fact that Claritin helps a bit but doesn't seem to totally fix the problem. He's been talking to me for a while about leeching, and had mentioned that people are starting to realize now that medieval folks actually were on to something when they first placed leeches on the body to suck out blood and toxins. My doctor said that in his experience a good blood letting can help not only with things like allergies and cold viruses, but also with joint pain, ringing in the ears and dry scalp.
So I started today by settling into the bathtub, opening the container of leeches, and letting a few dozen of the buggers go to town on me.
I gotta say, I think I'm feeling better already. I seem to have forgotten about those nagging allergies, and there seems to be no ill side affects from the extreme blood loss. I feel like an umbrella in a doghouse! No need to yell at me, Bob Barker. Beedlee-dee... hello, leechies!
Leechie Leechie loochie!
I'm very relaxed.
I hope you enjoy today

Friday, March 27, 2009

Life is Distracting

So I caught myself doing one of the things below recently (not telling which), and I got to thinking about the things that normal humans do every now and then that either don't make sense, can't be explained, or are just silly. You ever catch yourself doing one of the following?

*Walking up to the locked front door of your house and pushing the unlock button on the fob of your car keys

*Pushing pause or rewind on the remote before realizing you're not watching a DVD, it's just regular television (I guess that doesn't apply to Tivo users)

*Replying to friendly, parting words with something that doesn't quite make sense. For example the person at the airport ticket counter hands you a boarding pass and says "have a nice flight", to which you respond "you too!"

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think being human is pretty cool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bruce Springsteen on The Daily Show

Caught Bruce Springsteen as both interviewee and musical guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and thought it was great. Musicians don't always make for the greatest interviews, and sometimes it works that their amount of musical talent is inversely proportional to their comfort level in an interview setting. This would be the exception, with Bruce looking comfortable and happy, and chatting with Jon in a jovial and straightforward manner. It was a reminder of what a bright guy Bruce is. He talked about mixing music with politics in a way that I thought was very interesting. It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to figure out where Bruce lays in the political spectrum, but he talked about the fact that his fans come from all over the map in regard to upbringing and personal beliefs, and it certainly seemed like he respected the fact that people can have different ideals and still come together to enjoy music.
Here's where I fess up. I have not traditionally been a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen's music, and I blame my rebellious side. When I was in boarding school at The Williston-Northampton School for Ne'er-Do-Well Youth (the actual name is a bit shorter) in Easthampton MA, there was a young-ish teacher named Tom Andrews who was a hard core Bruce fan - always talking about going to see The Boss, and how great he was - and it rubbed me the wrong way and made it so I was not keeping an open mind about Bruce. I have since come to realize why people dig Bruce's music so much, and I certainly respect the hell out of him as a musician. Isn't it dumb to close yourself off to something just because other people are so enamored with it? Yes, but life is filled with dumb things. It's what makes us appreciate the not-dumb things.
Be well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I will do my best to keep up with this. The idea behind creating this blog is to have a place where people who have so kindly listened to me over the years on Radio 92.9 WBOS, Magic 106.7 WMJX, and Country 102.5 WKLB will have an easy time getting info on what I'm up to. My hope is that you will also not be shy about letting me know what's going on with you.
Enjoy the weather (alright, it's raining in Boston, but it has been springish the past few days which makes me happy), and please keep checking back...


New blog

Just started this. More details to follow. My hope is that this will be a place where you can kind of see what's going on with me and I'll get a chance to catch up with you!
