Friday, March 27, 2009

Life is Distracting

So I caught myself doing one of the things below recently (not telling which), and I got to thinking about the things that normal humans do every now and then that either don't make sense, can't be explained, or are just silly. You ever catch yourself doing one of the following?

*Walking up to the locked front door of your house and pushing the unlock button on the fob of your car keys

*Pushing pause or rewind on the remote before realizing you're not watching a DVD, it's just regular television (I guess that doesn't apply to Tivo users)

*Replying to friendly, parting words with something that doesn't quite make sense. For example the person at the airport ticket counter hands you a boarding pass and says "have a nice flight", to which you respond "you too!"

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think being human is pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. What does one do when they've done all three -- yikes!
