Friday, March 27, 2009

Life is Distracting

So I caught myself doing one of the things below recently (not telling which), and I got to thinking about the things that normal humans do every now and then that either don't make sense, can't be explained, or are just silly. You ever catch yourself doing one of the following?

*Walking up to the locked front door of your house and pushing the unlock button on the fob of your car keys

*Pushing pause or rewind on the remote before realizing you're not watching a DVD, it's just regular television (I guess that doesn't apply to Tivo users)

*Replying to friendly, parting words with something that doesn't quite make sense. For example the person at the airport ticket counter hands you a boarding pass and says "have a nice flight", to which you respond "you too!"

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think being human is pretty cool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bruce Springsteen on The Daily Show

Caught Bruce Springsteen as both interviewee and musical guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and thought it was great. Musicians don't always make for the greatest interviews, and sometimes it works that their amount of musical talent is inversely proportional to their comfort level in an interview setting. This would be the exception, with Bruce looking comfortable and happy, and chatting with Jon in a jovial and straightforward manner. It was a reminder of what a bright guy Bruce is. He talked about mixing music with politics in a way that I thought was very interesting. It doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to figure out where Bruce lays in the political spectrum, but he talked about the fact that his fans come from all over the map in regard to upbringing and personal beliefs, and it certainly seemed like he respected the fact that people can have different ideals and still come together to enjoy music.
Here's where I fess up. I have not traditionally been a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen's music, and I blame my rebellious side. When I was in boarding school at The Williston-Northampton School for Ne'er-Do-Well Youth (the actual name is a bit shorter) in Easthampton MA, there was a young-ish teacher named Tom Andrews who was a hard core Bruce fan - always talking about going to see The Boss, and how great he was - and it rubbed me the wrong way and made it so I was not keeping an open mind about Bruce. I have since come to realize why people dig Bruce's music so much, and I certainly respect the hell out of him as a musician. Isn't it dumb to close yourself off to something just because other people are so enamored with it? Yes, but life is filled with dumb things. It's what makes us appreciate the not-dumb things.
Be well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I will do my best to keep up with this. The idea behind creating this blog is to have a place where people who have so kindly listened to me over the years on Radio 92.9 WBOS, Magic 106.7 WMJX, and Country 102.5 WKLB will have an easy time getting info on what I'm up to. My hope is that you will also not be shy about letting me know what's going on with you.
Enjoy the weather (alright, it's raining in Boston, but it has been springish the past few days which makes me happy), and please keep checking back...


New blog

Just started this. More details to follow. My hope is that this will be a place where you can kind of see what's going on with me and I'll get a chance to catch up with you!
